On Sunday 28th June 2009, Ram Narayan Kumar passed away in Kathmandu, Nepal. For those not familiar with him, he was a friend of the Sikh Panth who fought tirelessly to expose the genocide and mass human rights violations of the Sikhs living in Panjab after 1984 and seeking justice on behalf of the Sikhs. Dhan Rab de Pyaare.
Ram Narayan Kumar was born in South Indian Tamil Brahmin family who at one point was a monk and lived in the backwaters of Delhi. Although he had no connection or link to the Panjab or Sikhs, he passionately fought for the rights and justice of the Sikh people in Panjab since Delhi anti-Sikh genocide of November 1984.
He was a human rights activist and researcher who was the author of several books and reports on the state of human rights in India and an unwavering critic of the brutality of the state in suppressing armed political conflicts in Panjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Northeast India and other parts of the subcontinent. He campaigned for democracy and human rights against state brutality on the innocent citizens since 1975. He was imprisoned for 19 months for his vocal opposition to Indira Gandhi‘s emergency regime.
He impressed everyone with his diligence, compassion and belief in justice; qualities that are as rare today as the person he was. His ability to combine cutting edge research and ethical principles of justice made him an endearing beacon of hope for many peoples and struggles that are on the verge of being forgotten.
His written work include "The Sikh Struggle" (1991), "Reduced To Ashes: The Insurgency and Human Rights in Punjab" (2003), "Critical Readings In Human Rights And Peace" (2006), "Terror In Punjab : Narratives, Knowledge And Truth Terror In Punjab : Narratives, Knowledge And Truth" (2008).
A video produced by Ram Narayan Kumar, entitled "Disappearances in Punjab":
The above was written by Manvir Singh Khalsa (www.ManvirSingh.blogspot.com)
Ram Narayan Kumar was born in South Indian Tamil Brahmin family who at one point was a monk and lived in the backwaters of Delhi. Although he had no connection or link to the Panjab or Sikhs, he passionately fought for the rights and justice of the Sikh people in Panjab since Delhi anti-Sikh genocide of November 1984.
He was a human rights activist and researcher who was the author of several books and reports on the state of human rights in India and an unwavering critic of the brutality of the state in suppressing armed political conflicts in Panjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Northeast India and other parts of the subcontinent. He campaigned for democracy and human rights against state brutality on the innocent citizens since 1975. He was imprisoned for 19 months for his vocal opposition to Indira Gandhi‘s emergency regime.
He impressed everyone with his diligence, compassion and belief in justice; qualities that are as rare today as the person he was. His ability to combine cutting edge research and ethical principles of justice made him an endearing beacon of hope for many peoples and struggles that are on the verge of being forgotten.
His written work include "The Sikh Struggle" (1991), "Reduced To Ashes: The Insurgency and Human Rights in Punjab" (2003), "Critical Readings In Human Rights And Peace" (2006), "Terror In Punjab : Narratives, Knowledge And Truth Terror In Punjab : Narratives, Knowledge And Truth" (2008).
A video produced by Ram Narayan Kumar, entitled "Disappearances in Punjab":
Dhan Rab De Pyaare."To accept that justice is impossible is like the end of all sense of purpose of life.”
(Ram Narayan Kumar)
The above was written by Manvir Singh Khalsa (www.ManvirSingh.blogspot.com)
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