Monday, 6 October 2008

From Croydon Sikh Youth To You

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

We would like to welcome everyone to the new virtual-home for the Croydon Sikh Youth. We are here to give you information on issues relating to Sikhi and what goes on in our local Gurdwara.

A few questions to ask yourself:
  • What has Sikhi got to do with me?
  • Do I have a say in the Gurdwara?
  • Why don't I Get involved in Seva, Kirtan etc.

Doesn't the following make you think?

We go to the Gurdwara Mata Theek infront of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, have Langar, chit chat with our mates and then go home... But do we even learn anything? And furthermore, do we even go AT ALL? (NOT including weddings and when we're forced to by our parents!)

Croydon Sikh Youth are here to make our voice heard! So it's time to unite... and together we can take part in more activities and youth events i.e. gatka lessons, group discussions, sikh history classes etc which will be available for the all the youth at Croydon Gurdwara.

We also hope to organise trips, have sporting events and whatever else we can think of... But to make it happen and be a success we need YOUR help and support!

We appreciate it will take time, and will be as patient as we need to be... Honesty, Trust and Love are essential to make this work and above all.. COMMUNICATION

If you would like to see changes and want to participate in any of the above classes then contact us on the email below and add us to your MSN (if you've got one). You can also search for CroydonSikhYouth on Facebook and ADD US!

We will try our best to get back to as soon as possible.

Meanwhile Though:

We've got some interesting things for you to do... (We wouldn't tell you if it wasn't worth it)

Go To:

For 1 and 2 go to the audio section, and in the search field type in Sukha Singh.

Please download and listen to as much of his Kirtan and Kathas as possible, ESPECIALLY "Sedgeley Street" Parts 1& 2 (available on G5 Sikh Media Audio Downloads). The Edingburgh Kathas are really good too.

Unlike anyone you've ever heard, this great Sikh speaks English and Punjabi and helps for us to understand what being Sikh really means and just what we've faced in our relatively short yet Rich history.


Also, on the Links on the right you'll see one for "Sikh Unit". Please click on it and download the Sikh Unit albums. They're unlike anything you've ever heard! Through rapping about Sikh history and issues facing us today over Hip-Hop beats, their music helps to make us feel good to be Sikh and help us in understanding issues which we might not understand.

We hope to see you on Sundays from 12pm at the Gurdwara... But please feel free to get in touch ANYTIME and about ANTYHING!

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