I wanted to share this Hukamnama with you... Its very powerful and we should feel very lucky as Sikhs to have Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to guide us through these dark times...
This Hukamnama is by Guru Amardas ji Maharaj, in Raag Vadhans, on Ang 560 of Siri Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj.
vaddehans mehalaa 3 |
Wadahans, Third Mehl:
houmai naavai naal virodh hai dhue n vasehi eik thaae |
Ego is opposed to the Name of the Lord; the two do not dwell in the same place.
houmai vich saevaa n hovee thaa man birathaa jaae |1|
In egotism, selfless service cannot be performed, and so the soul goes unfulfilled. ||1||
har chaeth man maerae thoo gur kaa sabadh kamaae |
O my mind, think of the Lord, and practice the Word of the Guru’s Shabad.
hukam mannehi thaa har milai thaa vichahu houmai jaae | rehaao |
If you submit to the Hukam of the Lord’s Command, then you shall meet with the Lord; only then will your ego depart from within. ||Pause||
houmai sabh sareer hai houmai oupath hoe |
Egotism is within all bodies; through egotism, we come to be born.
houmai vaddaa gubaar hai houmai vich bujh n sakai koe |2|
Egotism is total darkness; in egotism, no one can understand anything. ||2||
houmai vich bhagath n hovee hukam n bujhiaa jaae |
In egotism, devotional worship cannot be performed, and the Hukam of the Lord’s Command cannot be understood.
houmai vich jeeo bandh hai naam n vasai man aae |3|
In egotism, the soul is in bondage, and the Naam, the Name of the Lord, does not come to abide in the mind. ||3||
naanak sathagur miliai houmai gee thaa sach vasiaa man aae |
O Nanak, meeting with the True Guru, egotism is eliminated, and then, the True Lord comes to dwell in the mind||
sach kamaavai sach rehai sachae saev samaae |4|9|12|
One starts practicing truth, abides in truth and by serving the True One gets absorbed in Him. ||4||9||12||
many thanks to http://hukam.sikhnet.com/2008/08/20/
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