The Sikh Youth movement started in the 1980's when Sikhs were under the oppression of the Skinheads. Also when a Sikh was killed on the streets of the UK, the police didn’t show much concern. In Southall a young Sikh boy Vijay Singh was stabbed to death in board day light. In east London a Sikh man and his pregnant wife was killed in a stabbing by the Skinheads. (I have just highlighted two cases but the number of racist attacks runs into it the hundreds). In the 1990's the attention was turned to Islamic extremist gangs who target venerable Sikh girls and terrorized Sikh boys on the streets of the UK.
Seeing the plight and fate of our community a few families from the West Midlands started educating the community of the injustices committed on the Punjabi-Sikh nation. Together they came up with the intuitive and formed the Shere Panjab. This movement woke up the community and made people alert. This prevented our youth; from becoming a victim of a devious crime (such as deceptive grooming or gang beatings). The youth took part in self defence classes which in turn helped them escape racist attacks alive.
A lot of time, money and effort went in to restoring the communities confidence and honour. This project also focused on getting people into their faith, Sikhi workshops and Sikhi camps were started. Over 15 branches nationwide made a difference in the religious development and social development of Sikh youth nationwide. In 1998 the SP project was put on standby in a formal meeting (for Numerous reasons) and people went on to focus on their individual projects. However looking at the plight of today’s youth, who do not have much of a clue about what is going on, it has been decided by all the original members to start up an awareness (educational) project under SP.
We salute all the original SP activists who woke up a sleeping community, because of all the hard work the SP legacy still lives on and instantly we remember the good old days were the community had a sense of community spirit. The list of legends is too big; you all know who you are! A lot of people have misused the SP name and brought a disgrace to it, they know who they are. But the real mans know the deal.
Unfortunately Sardar Nirmal Singh Dhesi who was a founding father of the SP is no longer with us. He passed away from cancer,
Sadar Nirmal Singh Dhesi (RIP Brother we miss you so much, but your legacy lives on)
Sardar Nirmal Singh Dhesi helped plan many camps for Sikh youth, putting the lives of others before his own needs. He spent most of his earnings serving the Panth.
Panjabi criminals, who sell drugs to others, who terrorise people and exploit our women are not SP. The whole movement was started to better our community. Please Satsangat Ji you are all educated, I am not going to write an essay discussing this issue, and we all have brains use them!
We are taking it back to the original principles, before this bad stigma was created. SP was a registered organisation and involved the whole community from elders to youngsters from men to women. It was a movement of mentality, education and creating awareness. Our main concern is about educating our families and youth about the dangers facing our community. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave us the roop and spirit of a lion (roams free with out fear). But these days a lot of Sikhs are scared when they walk around because they have been victimised, we need to provide mental rehab to these victims. If you look at history our women chose death and even got their kids killed in front of them by the Mughal Empire; but they never gave up their faith. But now days some of our girls are running away with people, whose ancestors were the Mughals. See how much the mentality of our people has changed. It is the duty of every Sikh to educate our people: who ever, where ever, what ever organisation, please spread Sikhi and the Khalsa Spirit of love and righteousness amongst the people.
Principles of the S P movement
• Belief in One God (the immortal soul and creator of all – WAHEGURU)
• Reject any caste system what so ever! We are all equal children of Waheguru! (The caste system is a part of the Hindu religion not Sikhism).
• We treat every religion, race and creed with love and respect; however we will speak out and make a stand against anyone trying to attack our religion and community. Sikhs are never attackers, but only defend their rights.
• We are working for the welfare of the whole of society, but in particular we will be working with Punjabi-Sikh youth to get them out of the bad elements of life. Such as drugs, tobacco, alcohol and the many other pitfalls of modern day society. We want our community to be represented in a positive light towards humanity, so all of us have a responsibility to act as good role models for the upcoming generation.
Who are the members of the S P?
Glimpse at the problems facing our youth:
• The lack of knowledge of our roots and history. A lot of our community do not even know the names of our Guru Sahibs (But we know the name of 11 football players and of Bhangra Stars). This in turn gives individuals a sense of No belonging; making it easier for our people to be targeted for conversions etc. Only if the youth have a vibe of pride about their faith and community will they refuse to turn their back on the Guru and the community. S P along with other organisations will provide resources that will educate our youth about their faith and history.
• A lot of young women complain at the way our own men treat our women, with no respect etc. Adultery and divorce rates amongst our married couples are at an all time high. How can we complain about our women running off to men from different backgrounds when we abuse our own women (that makes us hypocrites). Guru Ji gave Sikh women the name kaur (warrior – Princess); however women you need to think do you have self respect? If not how can you ask for respect of others if you don’t respect yourselves! Your dignity is in your own hands, ask your self this, would you let your daughter dress and do the things you do? If not why?
• Disunity – Sikh on Sikh beef is at an all time high. We are too busy arguing over differences instead of working together on common goals. We need to end all this beef and come together, let’s wake up!
Daya Singh asked: “Maharaj, what is this? Yesterday you fed rice to the deer and today to the dogs, what does this mean?
Maharaj said: “Singhs I have given you instructions for the times to come. If you act like the deer in a united manner, you will find satisfaction and success, but if you fight like the dogs did, you will get bloodied and beat up and will not get anything"
The Real Sher-e-Panjab
Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji ki Fateh
Dear Sadhsangat Ji,
The sevadars from the real (original) Shere Panjab movement have decided that the need to educate our community has arisen again.
Our youth are straying away from our roots, culture and heritage. The general morale of our community is very low, and not many youngsters are proud of our faith and ancestry. This is mainly due to the lack of knowledge and the lacking of “down to earth” parchaar (preaching) which deals with reality and current issues.
We are determined to bring back the principals of, self respect, dignity, high morals, courage, honour and respect for our kaum (community) within the Panjabi-Sikh community.
Do Nothing Then Nothing Changes
Beware: Over the last decade, all over the
Our plea: The movement was aimed to better our community, if any group or person is tarnishing our image under the SP name, they can not be a true Shere Panjab member.
Educating the community - Prevention is better then cure
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Early 1990's Sher-e Panjab Community Work
SP Sevadars in High Spirit
Historic Sher-e Panjab Documentation
Click Pictures to enlarge
Old SP Montly Newsletters. The new newsletters are issued online at
Reciept For First SP Newsletter - The Newsletters hit the UK by storm and educated every Panjabi-Sikh about issues effecting them at the time!
Old Shere Panjab Membership Form